How does electrotherapy work?
Electrotherapy and physiotherapy are two areas that have been working together for some years to combat and treat various pathologies. This union provides a great ability to reduce pain and discomfort sensations.
Thus, electrical stimulation uses currents of low or high intensity to obtain these results. If combined with physiotherapy techniques, such as strength, the certainty of a better rehabilitation of patients is guaranteed!
With this in mind and the main benefits of electrotherapy for your health, we cover in the content below the main characteristics of this treatment, including its main modalities. Check out!
How did electrotherapy come about?
Electrotherapy is one of the most effective treatments for relieving pain symptoms. Also known as electrothermophototherapy, this procedure goes hand in hand with physiotherapy to provide the best result for patients.
Because it is a procedure whose origin dates back to very ancient times, approximately since the 16th century, electrotherapy has undergone numerous changes until reaching the excellence verified in its methods of physiotherapeutic and aesthetic treatments and knowing the importance of this procedure for the physiotherapeutic treatment itself, we approach the relationship between electrotherapy and physiotherapy, as well as its functioning and main characteristics. Check out!
How does electrotherapy work?
Electrotherapy consists of using electrical stimuli to meet two very specific objectives: to reduce the transmission of pain signals that the brain receives and also to act on muscle electrical activity, stimulating muscle contraction.
Therefore, the stimulation of muscles and tissues are responsible for increasing the production of endorphins, a kind of “body signal” that promotes pain relief by the brain, replacing commonly emitted neural pain signals.
By making use of the application of electrical currents in an alternating way in the body muscles, electrotherapy promotes contractions that help to avoid the appearance of muscle atrophy, in addition to promoting the recovery of muscle mass damaged by possible injuries.
However, it is also possible to use electrotherapy for purely aesthetic purposes. In this way, its electrical stimuli are directed to treat localized fat, through the breakdown of fat, which is later eliminated by the body.
Bearing in mind that, in order to obtain the best results, it is necessary for the responsible professional to analyze the case of each patient to indicate not only the device to be used, but the intensity of the current itself and the best technique to be used.
Main treatment modalities
Electrotherapy has different treatment modalities to achieve the solution of the most different problems. As it can be used in conjunction with physiotherapy, there are some processes that are quite important. Check it out below!
Galvanic stimulation
Combined with physical therapy, galvanic stimulation prevents the occurrence of new lesions. Intense contractions are generated through the application of alternating currents in the patient's muscles.
As it is a totally beneficial procedure, galvanic stimulation promotes the restoration of muscle mass that is injured or injured, reducing the intensity of pain.
Thermotherapy can be applied in two different ways, through the application of heat or cryotherapy, which consists of the use of ice packs. As a result, the joints are able to improve mobility.
In this way, for the use and mobility of the joints to reach the expected goal, the heat produced by the Tecar Therapy provides the sliding and contractility of the contractures located in the tissues known as connective and muscular.
With this, the patient can perceive the reduction of frequent and chronic pain, both in the lumbar region and in the spine itself. Thermotherapy also provides a increase in the range of motion in different segments of the spine.
Functional electrical stimulation
By stimulating the muscles, through the contraction of muscle fibers, the procedure known as functional electrical stimulation promotes the training of these same muscles, applying a very low electrical current.
Thus, functional electrical stimulation relies on two main methods: Russian current and Aussie current. The first is responsible for using trains of direct electric current, with the intention of activating muscle contractions. Unlike Russian current, which is not supported by all patients, Aussie current tends to be more comfortable as it provides the relaxation and strengthening that the muscles need, producing great results.
There are also other types of current used in electrotherapy, such as faradic (intended for short-term electrical stimuli), exponential (directed only to muscles with problems) and diadynamic (to promote vasodilation and pain relief).
If you are interested in knowing more about the benefits of electrotherapy and also about other types of treatment, enter our website and check out all the modalities available to promote a better quality of life!