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What to expect in a Physiotherapy session?

Physiotherapy is necessary for many people at some point in their lives, whether is due to injuries or muscle problems. Patients can be referred by doctors or self-referral so that with Physiotherapy such problems are resolved or alleviated, depending on the severity.

There are several different physiotherapy techniques and interventions that will be applied according to the type of injury. Therefore, it is important to understand more deeply what Physiotherapist provides and how it helps in the recovery of people who have suffered injuries or trauma.

What is physiotherapy?

To understand how physiotherapy sessions, take place in a comprehensive way, it is necessary to understand what is behind the term in question and its approach.

Physiotherapy is a science that aims to study, diagnose, prevent and recover patients who have suffered from any type of functional disorders related to any organ that makes up the human body system.

The main purpose of physiotherapy is to ensure the maintenance or rehabilitation of the integrity of organs affected by trauma, injuries or other different situations, so that they can recover their normal functions.

Thus, several techniques and resources are used for these purposes, especially therapeutic ones. The goal is to ensure that patients will have an improvement in quality of life after undergoing physiotherapy procedures.

The therapeutic mechanisms used by physiotherapy are based on several different studies of physiological, morphological, pathological sciences, functional synergy and others linked to the systems that make up the human body.

The professional responsible for carrying out the diagnoses and adopting the appropriate measures in view of the patient's needs is the Physiotherapist, who acts by carrying out the process of detecting the problem to later analyze and interpret image exams, managing to adopt the correct measures for improvement.

With the diagnosis made, the professional is able to establish the type of treatment that will be adopted with the patient, which may vary according to the lesion as follows:

  • Use of electrotherapies such as Tecar therapy, Electrostimulation, Shockwave Therapy, Regenerative EMTT;

  • Targeted physical exercises;

  • Use of cold or heat therapies;

  • Use of mobilizations and manipulations.

How is physiotherapy session?

As Physiotherapy addresses several different techniques, depending on the type of injury or trauma, the Physiotherapist evaluates the patient's need to determine the type of treatment appropriate for the problem.

However, there are some common practices that can be highlighted during a Physiotherapy session. They apply to more extensive injuries. Contrary to what one might imagine, the physiotherapy process goes far beyond analgesia, known for the little shocks given to certain parts of the body to improve injuries.

Another practice that can be observed during a Physiotherapy session is kinesiotherapy. It is commonly used in cases of orthopedic or sports injuries, as it aims to increase and improve the physical condition for the patient's full recovery.

Therefore, the most common practices in a Physiotherapy session are:

  • Kinesiotherapy; (therapy through the movement with specific exercises)

  • Electrotherapy;

  • Tecar Therapy;

  • Laser;

  • Magnetotherapy.

The first, as highlighted, uses movements to assist in the prevention and recovery process of osteoarticular and musculoskeletal injuries. Passive and active assisted movements are performed to promote a reduction in muscle pain and to increase movements.

Electrotherapy uses common electrical stimuli. The essential goals of this practice are to interfere with the transmission of pain signals to the brain and stimulate muscle contraction, influencing it by electrical stimulation.

The Tecar therapy which generates heat inside tissues, so that the stimulated site has its metabolism accelerated, ensuring that blood flow will be increased in the area. Tecar therapy is spreading more and more in the medical and physiotherapeutic fields due to its extraordinary effectiveness.

The laser therapy will be applied during the session in order to cause analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. This happens because it stimulates the cells and makes the tissue enter a regeneration process so that it fully recovers and heals from the injury.

The Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT®) is a non-invasive procedure developed specifically for the treatment of Arthritis. It opens up new possibilities in regeneration and rehabilitation. EMTT differs from general forms of magnetic field therapy or PEMF due to the high oscillation frequency of 100 – 300 kHz. This property enables a high penetration depth (18 cm) and a large range of indications.

Therefore, this set of techniques and approaches is part of physiotherapy sessions depending on the type of injury found by the professional and the way in which he wants to approach them. The session will not necessarily use just one of the techniques because the practitioner can combine them for a more positive effect.

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